120120 Take Up Your Cross

And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. (Mark 8:34)

There has been much misunderstanding regarding this verse of Scripture. Many believers, who sincerely love Jesus with all their hearts, have been deluded by human logic, emotion, and wrong teaching, to believe that every sickness, pain, heartache, and tragedy that comes against them is just “their cross to bear.” One precious man attended a service where I was ministering years ago, obviously in need of physical healing. Though I do not usually engage with people before a meeting, I mentioned to this man that healing was available to him, and that I would be trusting God on his behalf. He immediately responded, “Oh no. I cannot be healed. I am suffering so that someone else can be saved.” NO! Jesus Christ suffered so that whosoever will can be saved! There is nothing that you or I can suffer that could possibly add anything to what Jesus already suffered on our behalf.

So what does Jesus mean when He exhorts the believer to “take up his cross?” First of all, the context refers to the discipleship process, and is intended for “whosoever.” What good news! “Whosoever” can become a disciple! The only qualification to begin is that “whosoever” must “WILL” to follow after Jesus in the discipleship process.

Jesus always uses figurative language on purpose. His metaphors always have deep significance. We need to understand two things that the cross represents. First, the cross is an instrument of death. It is where people die. As we take up our cross, we must die to our own opinions, mindsets, plans, and petty human agendas. The cross is where we lay down our lives on behalf of another. Second, the cross represents the assignment for which Jesus came to earth.

Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour: but for this cause came I unto this hour. (John 12:27)

The cross was the purpose for which Jesus was born. When we take up our cross, not only do we die to our preconceived human ideas and purposes, but we embrace HIS thoughts, ways, and purposes. As Jesus prayed in Gethsemane, “Not MY will, but THY will!” Taking up our cross involves embracing the Divinely ordained purpose for which we were born, the Destiny for which we were created in our mother’s womb. The cross was Jesus’ Destiny! And so it is with us. And most often, we must face Gethsemane before we can progress to the cross.

So God does not give you sickness or tragedy to be “your cross to bear.” But He will point you toward His Kingdom Purpose for your life. And to fulfill His Purpose will require that we die to our own. Be Blessed!

Dr. Jeff Thompson


Dr. Jeff has been active in ministry for well over three decades. He and his lovely wife, Linda, live on Toledo Bend, near Many, LA. Feel free to email Dr. Jeff with Bible questions or comments at drjeffthompson@yahoo.com.