110221 Who is the Antichrist?

3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 

4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. 

5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?

II Thessalonians 2:3-5 (KJV)

Please allow me to say at the outset that Eschatology is decidedly not my “strong suit” among the so-called “Divine Sciences.” And though I have certainly studied Biblical prophecy, I would not present whatever limited understanding I might possess as being in any way the “final word.” As have others over the centuries, I have over the last four decades speculated as to whether various individuals might one day prove out to actually be the “man of sin” spoken of by the Apostle Paul. In most cases so far, time has proven my speculations to have been wrong. Regarding others still living, the jury is still out.

I do not wish to offer my speculations as to various individuals in any public forum at this time. As one author penned, “Opinions are like noses. Almost everyone has one, and most of them smell.” However, recent writings and statements by some in regards to current and proposed  political events have prompted me to revisit some of the Biblical principles that I wish to share with you now. To my knowledge, I have not written before on this topic, but I seem to be impressed by the Lord to do so at this time. However, remember that even though the principles I share are Biblical and True, my understanding and application of them may not be entirely correct. As a fallible human, I can only do my best, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to express what little understanding I might have in the clearest language possible. In this article, I do not claim to be speaking from prophetic revelation, but rather from my best understanding of Scripture, history, and current events. Please judge these things for yourself, and know that I am certainly open for further enlightenment.

With those disclaimers out of the way, I would like to first consider the passage quoted at the beginning of this article. There have been some who have opined that “antichrist” simply referred to a “beast system” (what our German friends call the “zeitgeist” – “spirit of the age,”  and what I have referred to often as “prevailing world culture”). Jesus definitely warned of the ongoing conflict between the culture of the Kingdom of God and what He called “mammon” (also to be understood as the “spirit of the age”). And John, from whose epistles we actually get the word “antichrist,” warned that the “spirit of antichrist” was active in his day, and was responsible, among other things, for endeavoring to introduce a skewed and heretical Christology into the Church itself (I John 2:18, 22; 4:3; II John 1:7). However, even though John acknowledges that many “antichrists” are indeed presently active in his day, and the “spirit of antichrist” has been already working to deceive, if possible, even the elect, John intimates that the believers to whom he writes have been correctly instructed that “antichrist” is yet coming as well. The strong implication here seems to me to be that the “spirit of antichrist,” though presently active, would find its ultimate embodiment in one man, the “man of sin” about whom Paul speaks, and about whom he had already informed the Thessalonian Church.

Some have attempted over the centuries to identify this prophesied “man of sin” by working out various numerical systems to cause one of another name to “add up” in some way to “666.” As a result, the “man of sin” has been speculated at various times to be “Kaisar Nero” (or some other ancient Roman emperor), the “Vicar of Christ” (pointing to the one occupying the Papal throne in Rome), and Benito Mussolini (or perhaps Adolf Hitler). More recently, individuals including Soros, Erdogan, Sinclair, Gates, and Obama, among others, have been proposed as possible candidates. While all of these have at various times exhibited to some degree characteristics undoubtedly influenced by the “spirit of antichrist,” there is not sufficient information that I have found to make a final compelling identification regarding those still living. Some Biblical teachers conveniently place the revealing of the identity of the antichrist as only to occur after “the Rapture.” I am not certain that they are correct, and that we will have no inkling of who might be stepping up to fill those diabolical shoes until then. It has always baffled me that some could so easily dismiss something that both John and Paul seem to have taught with some conviction, by simply saying, “We don’t need to be concerned with that. We will be gone before then.” Regardless of your position relative to the timing of events surrounding the return of Jesus Christ to the earth, there is NO Scripture that promises that the Church will be gone before American Christians face any challenging days!

Paul refers to the “man of sin” as the “son of perdition.” Some ancient manuscripts use the phrase “man of lawlessness,” indicating that this individual will put himself above the law as a dictator. It is certainly one characteristic of the “spirit of antichrist” operating through those who consider themselves to be the sociopolitical “elites” to mandate “rules for thee, but not for me!” Jesus referred to Judas Iscariot as the “son of perdition.” This does NOT mean, as some have offered, that the antichrist will be the reincarnation of Judas, rather that he will likely exhibit some of the same characteristics expressed by Judas. It is very likely that the “man of sin” will begin at some point attempting to curry favor among believing Christians, and later prove to betray and exalt himself above the faith he once claimed to embrace.

The word [ἀντίχριστος] in Greek can mean not only “against” Christ, but also “in stead of” Christ. I believe that the “man of sin” will not overtly speak evil of Jesus of Nazareth, but will attempt to “redefine” Jesus to promote his own political agenda, ultimately substituting himself for Jesus as His “replacement.” He will claim that the “Christ spirit” resides in him, as it did in Jesus, and that he is the legitimate successor to Jesus (who was the Messiah of the “age of Pisces”), himself being the “messiah” of the “new age” of Aquarius.”

I am also convinced that the “man of sin” will additionally claim to be the ultimate fulfillment of Haggai 2:7 which states, “and the desire of all nations shall come.” I believe that he will present what he claims to be definitive genealogical “proof” that he is in one branch of his ancestry, Judaic (a descendant of the tribe of Judah), and through another branch, a descendant of Mohammad (qualifying him as the 12th Imam). He will also claim to be the “second coming of Christ,” as the descendant of Jesus through an alleged marriage with Mary Magdalene. This notion of a supposed sexual union between Jesus and Mary has been around since at least the 12th Century (if not before), and has been more recently popularized by the fictional writings of Dan Brown (“DaVinci Code”), and the subsequent movies based upon his novels. To those who know, it is an historical fact that many European royals (and other “bloodline” families) have believed for centuries that they were connected genealogically to Jesus, and used this belief (in part) in support of their “Divine Right” to rule over the rest of us (for our own good, of course). As the “once and future” Davidic King from the tribe of Judah, the “second coming of Christ,” and the “Imam Mahdi,” he will propose to unite within himself the “three great monotheistic religions of the world.” Presenting himself as the “man of peace,” he will claim to hold the ultimate answer, actually to BE the ultimate answer, to the conflict in the Middle East. Certainly Jews, Christians, and Muslims can all unite around him in one great conglomerate unified “world religion.” In addition, I believe that he will somehow find a way to also claim to be “Maitreya,” as well as the last incarnation of the “Dalai Lama,” to bring Asian religions into his fold, being assisted by corrupt leaders in these various religious groups, ambitious for power, wealth, and influence, who align with him for the sake of expediency.

Of course there is much more that could be shared, but I will close with a simple warning. Be watchful and alert in the days ahead. When your “red flags” go up, pay attention to the inner “alarm bells.” Be cautious when people begin to talk about “returning the King,” or when someone other than Jesus Christ is referred to as “the King of Kings.” Be cautious and keep your eyes open when any leader declares, or even intimates, that he is the “chosen one.” Certainly men can be chosen and anointed by God for a purpose, but we must still be watchful. Be cautious when anyone says, “I support this or that political leader no matter what,” or implies that their favorite leader can do no wrong. Jesus Christ is the ONLY One I stand with “no matter what.” I only stand with human leaders to the degree that they stand with Him and with the principles of His Kingdom. Be cautious when some leader points to his genealogy as any kind of justification for his leadership. Be cautious when ANY so-called “religious” leader promotes an ecumenical “unity” in conflict with Biblical principles. This present Pope, for example, has not only allowed, but encouraged, “interfaith” prayer “services”  and even shamanic rituals on the very grounds of the Vatican. Some charismatic Christian “leaders” (whom I had a degree of respect for decades ago) have sadly in the last few years, even welcomed and embraced Bergoglio’s slimy overtures.

The “dividing line” is indeed becoming more clearly defined between the compromised “church” and the remnant. Be cautious when any political or religious “leader” encourages you to lay down, compromise, or redefine Biblical principles to “get along” with the rest of world culture in order to avoid persecution.

In addition, I am also convinced that the “man of sin” will claim some type of connection, either biologically, psychically, or both, with intelligent alien beings from another planet, whose desire is to “help” us progress into the next quantum leap of human evolution. Some people of course will be resistant to this “transhumanism,” and they may need to be “quarantined” from the rest of society until a “final solution” can be effected (either though “re-education” or through “humane” termination). While “alien entities” are indeed at work promoting their evil agenda, these “alien” beings do not originate on Mars, Venus, or the Klingon home world.

In conclusion, just who IS the “antichrist?” At this point, though I still have speculations, I can honestly say that I do not yet know for certain. However, the Biblical principles I have mentioned here, plus others of course, will certainly be benchmarks that I will be watching out for. Whatever you do in the days ahead, do NOT ignore (or gloss over) what you don’t want to see! And keep firmly in your heart and mind that Jesus Christ has ALREADY defeated ALL of the dark demonic forces of hell through the Cross and Resurrection! Praise God, we are “in Him” and His Victory is OUR Victory! Be Blessed!

Dr. Jeff Thompson


Dr. Jeff has been active in ministry for well over three decades. He and his lovely wife, Linda, live on Toledo Bend, near Many, LA. Feel free to email Dr. Jeff with Bible questions or comments at drjeffthompson@yahoo.com.