022121 No More Excuses!

The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law. (Deuteronomy 29:29 KJV)

There have been many times over the last four-plus decades of ministry that I have witnessed the disappointment of some precious believers because they prayed for a loved one’s healing, and the loved one died anyway. And all too often, those precious believers began to throw away everything that they had been previously taught about Divine Healing, Prayer, and the Authority of the Believer.

Yes, there are some things we will never know the “why” about until we reach Heaven’s shore. Those secret things belong unto the Lord. However, the second part of that verse declares that “those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever!” It may not be revealed to me precisely “why” someone did not receive healing when hands were laid upon them. BUT, what HAS been revealed, and thus what DOES belong to me, is the fact that in Redemption, Jesus took my infirmities and bore my sicknesses (Matt. 8:17), and that by HIS stripes I WAS HEALED (I Pet. 2:24). Numerous other Scriptures also declare God’s Perfect Will for the healing of His obedient and faithful people. Sickness is NOT the Will of God, and is called oppression from the devil (Acts 10:38). If there is a disconnect somewhere, it’s not on the God side! Don’t throw away what you DO know because of something you DON’T know!

Sadly, many Pentecostals (and even some Charismatics) have surrendered what, from their organizational beginnings, was one of their “16 Fundamental Truths,” namely, that healing is provided in God’s Redemptive Plan (what some call “the Atonement”) and is available for every believer to appropriate by faith in the revealed Word of God! Of course there are many Scriptural means by which to apply God’s healing provision by faith, including the laying on of hands. However, because somebody somewhere did not receive their healing, the precious Biblical Truth of Divine Healing has been watered down and outright compromised by some wanting to make excuses as to why it didn’t work.

Dr. Gordon Fee (who is one of my two favorite living Greek scholars by the way) coined a term by which he referred to “the now and the not yet.” This is certainly a valid principle, for we know from Scripture that ultimate glorification of the bodies of believers will occur at the end of the age when Jesus returns for His Church. However, many have misused this valid principle in an attempt to make excuses as to why someone didn’t receive healing, or why some other prayer did not seem to be answered. They will make statements such as, “Susie (an arbitrary made-up name) didn’t receive healing HERE, and she died, but she’s healed NOW in Heaven.” And then they will refer to some nebulous term such as “the ultimate healing” to describe Susie’s homegoing, putting off until the “not yet” what the Bible already declared was God’s Will “NOW!” They will conclude that, despite Scripture to the contrary, it must not have actually been God’s Will that Susie be healed. While certainly Susie might be rejoicing now in the Presence of the Lord, dying and going to Heaven was NOT an “ultimate healing.” Why not? Because Susie’s spirit, which is now dancing in Glory, was never sick! It was Susie’s BODY that was sick, and that body was laid in the ground to await Resurrection Day! Far too many believers, because of some disappointment or other negative experience have relegated to the “not yet” what the Bible says believers are to walk in NOW!

One of my spiritual sons, Rev. Ryan Dawson, has made the statement (he says he is quoting someone else, but I am quoting him), “Don’t let your experience become the barometer of Truth!” I have taught for decades that anytime your experience seems to contradict the Word of God, you only have two choices. You can either attempt to adjust the Word of God to fit your experience, or you can determine by faith to see your experience come into alignment with the Word of God! Sadly, there are far too many Pentecostal and Charismatic Christians that have begun to interpret the Bible merely through the lens of their own (or someone else’s) experience.

We are about to see both a resurgence in Biblical deliverance ministry, and an explosion of the Manifestation of the Holy Spirit called “Workings of Miracles” (I Cor. 12:8-10). Along with these ministry operations will be a renewed emphasis on Divine Healing. Many will receive deliverance and healing in the midst of the Glory of God invading meetings. Hallelujah! But never forget, whatever you receive by a “miracle” or through someone else’s faith, must still be ultimately maintained by your own personal faith rooted in the written Word of God! Jesus warned His followers to both take heed WHAT they hear, and take heed HOW they hear. If you are constantly feeding on messages that foster doubt, or that make excuses for why these miraculous supernatural things are not happening, stop it! Get plugged in where God’s Word is not just proclaimed, but actually TAUGHT and DEMONSTRATED. Avail yourself of faith building books and materials. Don’t allow some negative experience from the past to cause you to abandon the revealed Truth of the Word of God. If something doesn’t appear to be working the way the Bible declares it should, don’t make excuses. Pray, study, seek counsel, find out why and make the necessary adjustments. And do not throw away what you DO know because of something you DON’T know! Be Blessed!

Dr. Jeff Thompson


Dr. Jeff has been active in ministry for well over three decades. He and his lovely wife, Linda, live on Toledo Bend, near Many, LA. Feel free to email Dr. Jeff with Bible questions or comments at drjeffthompson@yahoo.com.