Stay in Your Place!

Prov. 27:8 (KJV) As a bird that wandereth from her nest, so is a man that wandereth from his place.

If you have known me for any length of time, you have heard me tell this story often from the pulpit, especially when addressing young ministers. Very early in my ministry, my father in the faith, Apostle Melvin Tisdale, called me into his office and asked me to take a seat across from his desk. He began his comments to me by saying, “Brother Jeff, there is a powerful anointing from God upon your life.” Out of politeness (and faux humility I must admit) I did not reply outwardly, but within, I thought, “Well, it’s about time you noticed.” However, “Dad’s” purpose in our conference that day was not to promote me into greater areas of responsibility (as I was hoping he would). Rather, he issued a dire warning. “Even though there is a powerful anointing from God upon your life, you are “pressing in” to a greater anointing than what your character is mature enough to handle. If you don’t deal with some of those character issues, it will eventually destroy you.” And, to be honest, over the years, it almost did. The only reasons I am still around today are the unfailing Grace of God and the fact that I simply refused to give up and quit.

Please realize that “Dad” was certainly not exhorting me to forsake the anointing, or to cease in my pursuit of more tangible power to minister life supernaturally to hurting people. He was not encouraging me to “ease up” in my hunger to study, meditate and develop in my preaching and teaching ability. No, the ultimate conflict need not be between “charisma” and “character.” It is not “either—or,” but “both—and.” What “Dad” was endeavoring to do, by the help of the Holy Spirit, was “chasten” me and bring correction to a much neglected area of my life. Issues arose later on that would have been dealt with early, had I only listened and obeyed.

Over a span of some years, I left the place where God had planted me on three distinct occasions. Each time I left, my departure was in violation of God’s revealed “order.” Even though, to the best of my recollection, I never spoke evil of the place I had departed from, I still “left my place” in the wrong way and at the wrong time. Since that time, I have repented (publicly as well) and have been assured of forgiveness both from God and man. Now, don’t misunderstand me. The ministry activity that I was involved in for those years was indeed part of the calling and purpose of God for my life. However, we must remember that it is possible to endeavor to fulfill the revealed will of God, and although we may be doing “right” things, still be out of line with God’s Divine “Order.” To be the most effective, we must do God’s Will, in God’s Way and in God’s Timing. How much better it would have been to have waited until those whom God had placed “over me” in the Lord bore witness in the Spirit to my “launching” and were willing to lay hands on me publicly and “send me” forth!

While pastoring the church that Linda and I served for so many years, we operated a Christian Academy (K-12) as an arm of the ministry. One day, a young lady in our school discovered some baby birds that had fallen from their nest. She fed them with a dropper and prayed over each one with all the faith she could muster, yet, try as she might, she was not able to save a single one. It is a dangerous thing, and often fatal, for a baby bird to fall from the safety of its nest. Similarly, it is a dangerous thing for us to leave the place of safety and protection where God has planted us until the right time for us to be “launched.” Never forget, it is the banana that is separated from the bunch that gets “peeled” (and eaten).

Preparation time is never “lost” time! Don’t allow impatience and frustration to compel you to join the ranks of the shameless self-promoters in ministry, attempting to launch yourself out of God’s timing and in violation of God’s order. One of my dearest friends, Dr. H. Mack Ballard says, “Man RISES up, but God RAISES up.” Let us remain in submitted relationship to the Local Church and to those God has placed in authority over us. God knows your address and phone number, and He is capable of speaking to those responsible for equipping you, letting them know it is time to place greater responsibility on your shoulders. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean upon your own human understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He WILL direct your path (Prov. 3:5).

Dr. Jeff Thompson


Dr. Jeff has been active in ministry for well over three decades. He and his lovely wife, Linda, live on Toledo Bend, near Many, LA. Feel free to email Dr. Jeff with Bible questions or comments at