Pastoring the Manifestation Gifts (Part 2)

Stop stifling and suppressing the Spirit. Stop counting as nothing divine revelations given in the local assembly by the one who receives them, but be putting all things to the test for the purpose of approving them, and finding that they meet the requirements, put your approval upon them.

I Thessalonians 5:19-21 (KSW)

Paul’s command to the Thessalonian Church was to “Stop stifling and suppressing the Spirit.” Why would the Pastor and leadership in a local church ever want to “stifle and suppress” the Spirit? Well, actually there are several reasons why the pastor and leadership of a local church might decide to quench the manifestations of the Holy Spirit in their local assemblies. We must remember that God desires to move by His Spirit among His people, and we are also commanded to “zealously desire” these spiritual operations (I Cor. 14:1). In refusing or neglecting to “zealously desire” the manifestations of the Holy Spirit, not to mention by deliberately quenching them, we are actually rejecting and refusing to obey a command of God!

Seeing the Holy Spirit manifest supernaturally in our midst begins with an honest and sincere desire to allow Him to do so. Many pastors have, sadly, become “people of preference” rather than “people of passion.” They would “prefer” to see the Holy Spirit move (as long as He did not infringe too greatly on their comfort and convenience, or as long as He was finished with all He wanted to do by Noon, so that we can beat the neighboring church down the street to the Buffet), but they do not have a “passion” for His Presence and for His Divine Activity in their midst. In other words, while they might “prefer” to have an occasional demonstration of the Holy Spirit, they are not “passionate” enough to do what is necessary to get in position for His Purpose. Never forget, the difference between a “person of preference” and a “person of passion” is that a “person of preference” does what he can, but a “person of passion” does what it takes!

Jesus said that it was those who “hungered and thirsted” that would be “filled” (Matt. 5:6). If we refuse to “hunger and thirst” for the manifested Presence of God, we should not be too surprised if He rarely shows up in our gatherings. Of course, in His Omnipresence, God is always “in the house,” whether anybody else is there or not. And in His “Indwelling Presence,” God walks in when the first true believer in Christ arrives. However, I do not merely hunger for His Omnipresence (He is Omnipresent whether any individual acknowledges the fact or not). Nor do I hunger for His “Indwelling Presence” (He already lives within me since the day I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior). But I do hunger and thirst for His “Manifested Presence!” Why do we even bother to gather together as believers if we are not actively expecting and anticipating an actual encounter with the Holy One Whom we worship? The Psalmist declared that God’s Manifested Presence would “inhabit” the praises of His people (Ps. 22:3). We can expect that every time we offer the “sacrifice” that is acceptable to God, He (on some level and in some way) will testify to that acceptance by sending His Holy Fire upon the altars of our lives (Heb. 11:4). While “visitation” is good (it is certainly better than “no visitation”), let us never forget that “visitation” is only a step toward God’s goal of “habitation.” While we should welcome every “visitation,” we must recognize that God ultimately desires not only “visitation privileges,” but He desires “full custody” of His children.

Not only are we commanded to “zealously desire” all of the operations of the Holy Spirit, we are also commanded to do so in such a way as to “excel” in their demonstration (I Cor. 14:12). We can indeed experience a consistent flow of the supernatural gifts and manifestations of the Holy Spirit, and we can do so with “excellence!”

Pastors and church leaders, do you genuinely desire the Holy Spirit to move mightily and accomplish His Divine Purpose every time you gather together as the assembly of the saints in your local area? Are you passionately committed to doing what it takes to get into position for a Holy Spirit Explosion? Are you willing to deal with whatever problems might arise in a loving and Biblical manner, while not allowing the possibility of difficulties to cause you to “stifle and suppress” the Spirit? Are you eager to learn Biblical principles that will empower you to confidently expect the manifestations of the Holy Spirit in your congregation, and see them operate freely in Divine Order?

The Holy Spirit desires to move mightily in our midst. Let us never be guilty of “stifling and suppressing” Him, no matter the cost. Be Blessed!

Dr. Jeff Thompson


Dr. Jeff has been active in ministry for well over three decades. He and his lovely wife, Linda, live on Toledo Bend, near Many, LA. Feel free to email Dr. Jeff with Bible questions or comments at